Super Mario GuitarZ Mod by derelict68

This mod is wonderful for those of you that would like a little blast from the past. Mesh retro NES styling with today's musical rhythm genre, and you get the Super Mario GuitarZ mod! After playing for a while you almost expect to look down and see this:


So strap on your guitar controller and hang on for a ride to simpler times: Download

Upgrades To be Done

-Different Newspaper
-Score Meter
-Star Meter

Unique Planned Features (if/when these features get implemented by Callisto):

-Score at top where score normally is
-Coins would be note streak
-Option to enter name before playing song, and put it up top where "Mario" is now (see requests thread for how I'd like to see this implemented)
- Where "Time" is, be able to put the time remaining
- Mario 3D Stage with animated characters!!!


-FinkA55E for the main menu text
-Anybody involved in the GHIII mod as I used that for a template
-Google and my jNES emulator for images
-Nintendo for making a revolution in gaming

Other Things worth Mentioning

-This mod was named as the official modpack for Xephyr's Gamer Hero Song pack.

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